I have been fascinated reading other's blogs about adoption in the last couple years. The idea of myself writing one is definitely nothing new, as I am following so many others. In fact, I feel quite inferior compared to many of these blogs. There are so many well written and inspiring thoughts about adoption and why people feel called to devote their lives to adoption. If you feel at all called to adopt yourself, or just want to learn more about adoption, I highly recommend searching for different blogs to read - google... pinterest... all of these search type things come up with some great blogs. So why, if so many other people have already written, do I feel it is important to get our story written down into a blog. Well, for one, I want to be able to share with my family and friends this exciting journey. Two, I know there are others like me out there that want to learn as much as they possibly can about adopting, so I don't think it hurts in the least to give yet one mor...
A journey of adoption, through the Philippines and U.S. Foster Care.