God has blessed me with a wonderful family near and far, not sure I could ever be thankful enough for the love they all send our way everyday. Our friends too - we are so very blessed!
Today was bittersweet - loved spending time with family but had really hoped to be thankful that we would be traveling soon, but still no word. I had thought for sure we would know by thanksgiving-once again I'm wrong with my assumptions.
Thankful for family time today, but just really wishing my family time had been with my sons - plural - today. Next thanksgiving....right?
I've let that silly-quite ridiculous-thought slip into my head more than once this week..."maybe this will all fall through"... Every time there is a big waiting gap I start to doubt and fear the worst. Should I do this? No. But I admittedly let my head travel there anyway. I've had several comment on how well I am handling this waiting game and how patient I am, but if only you all knew the craziness that talks back and forth in my head somedays!
For many reasons it has been a small blessing it has taken a little longer as a couple things in life and work life are a little more steady now and both Jon and I feel we will be able to truly enjoy the travel and bonding time instead of thinking about other to-do lists. But because life is lining up now it makes me even more anxious to receive the call that tells us to travel. Ugh! It's making me ornery, and I'm not a pretty person when I'm ornery. :(
But I have a right to be ornery right? This girl just wants her baby home!!!!!
Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement. Rest assured we will let you know when we learn anything. Hopefully it is much sooner than later so I can wash away these fears before they take too much hold on my brain.
Happy thanksgiving everyone - for those of you praying for our Little C and this journey, I am so very grateful.
In Christ-
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