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A new journey - foster care

I've been hinting there is another part to our journey as a family and we have officially began our next steps to growing our hearts and sharing our love. 

We have decided as a family that we are on board to be a part of the foster care community. Although we wish we could help even more orphans across the ocean, we realize there are many orphans right here in town that also need the love of a family. We do know our ultimate goal is to adopt again, but have no idea how soon or far away that time may be. 

Of course, although this alone sounds like a big new step, we ended up diving head first into this decision! Within a couple weeks of our first meeting, we have our first placement. We are still licensed as a foster family because Tope was considered by the state as a foster child until his adoption was legalized by the courts. Because of this, and because we knew someone, who knew someone, who knew someone-we got a call Monday night asking if we would be willing to bring home four children Wednesday afternoon, they were desperate to find a placement. Yes, you read that correctly, 4 kiddos. 

Let that sink in. 

First placement. Double the size of our household. We moved into our house only two months ago, thus way too many boxes still unpacked. And we weren't expecting to get any calls until all our info was updated in a couple months. 

Many people had been called, none had said yes. We did. 

Crazy? Yes. But we didn't make this decision lightly. I did research on the kid's situation. We talked. We prayed. We talked more. We asked questions. We prayed more. And then said what felt like a very big "yes". 

We've now had six kids for just over three days. We are staying busy, but life has been good. It's been fun to hear the kids all get to know each other and I'm enjoying the big family feels. Not sure how long these kiddos will stay in our home and in our lives, but I know without a doubt that they have already blessed us richly. These kids deserve love and stability. That is all they are asking of us, and THAT I know I can give. 

Prayers are welcome for our four as they go through another change in their lives, and I ask that you please keep our boys in your prayers as well as they take in a new change too. We know and have faith that this next step in our lives will be a good one that can also be scary at times, but with support from our friends and family, it makes it all so much easier. Thank you for surrounding us with love and prayers. We will keep you updated on our newest adventure! (That is, when I can find the time among putting 6 kids to sleep! LOL!)

In Christ, 


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