Well, our home study is finally on the way to the immigration office as of last Saturday. It felt good to get that done. Now to finish up our dossier paperwork so it is done when our immigration paperwork comes back, probably a month from now, very possibly even two months from now.
I recently said yes to being the character, Fontine, in"Les Miserables". The show will be in June, and I'm making everyone nervous since we don't know if I will be available for sure. According to the estimated timeline from our agency though, we unfortunately have very little chance of bringing Little C home by the end of June. I am still praying by some miracle the timeline shortens and he comes home sooner, even if it would mean I don't get to do the show. It has always been a small dream of mine to play a role in this show, but I would quickly choose my son over doing a show any day. But, for now, I have a show planned, and a potential smaller role as a nun in "The Sound of Music" in August if Little C still hasn't arrived. Trying to keep myself busy so I don't go crazy thinking about it all.
Although, busy may turn me into crazy, or my family at least! I also have signed on to do a show a MONTH from now! I will do one weekend of "The Last Five Years". It is a modern musical that only has two characters and every song is sung. Great storyline (although kind of sad) and wonderful music. I'm super excited for the emotion I get to portray in the show and the music will be a challenge. I will have to bust my rear learning all of the words, but excited for the challenge! And then following that it sounds like I'm going to help put together a small women's retreat at our church, which I'm super pumped about. I tend to do everything at once, if you haven't noticed.... But I'm also excited to do a few of these things before Little C comes home, as I plan to take a break from it all for a little while for time with Little C and of course Big C too! :)
Hope this brief update finds you all well.
Have a good night and God's blessings.
In Christ,
Although, busy may turn me into crazy, or my family at least! I also have signed on to do a show a MONTH from now! I will do one weekend of "The Last Five Years". It is a modern musical that only has two characters and every song is sung. Great storyline (although kind of sad) and wonderful music. I'm super excited for the emotion I get to portray in the show and the music will be a challenge. I will have to bust my rear learning all of the words, but excited for the challenge! And then following that it sounds like I'm going to help put together a small women's retreat at our church, which I'm super pumped about. I tend to do everything at once, if you haven't noticed.... But I'm also excited to do a few of these things before Little C comes home, as I plan to take a break from it all for a little while for time with Little C and of course Big C too! :)
Hope this brief update finds you all well.
Have a good night and God's blessings.
In Christ,
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