You know that thing when life changes? At first you are excited, everything is going great. You are on top of the world and although life isn't perfect, you know it can't get much better? Then you start realizing the nitty-gritties, the things that are starting to stir at your bellybutton. The small parts to the change that suddenly start feeling so huge. You start to panic. Your stomach starts to not agree with you and you regret this, and that, and this again. And then you calm yourself, take a deep breath, look at the positives around you, and tell yourself "this too shall pass". Until that wave of anxiety passes over you again and you continue the cycle of happy, nervous, anxious, happy, nervous, anxious - over and over again. This is where I'm at right now. Everything seems almost too overwhelming. So many changes, both older changes and new changes, that just aren't settling well. I'm trying so hard to stay positive and ride along with ...
A journey of adoption, through the Philippines and U.S. Foster Care.