Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween night. Caleb had a good time mooching candy off of the area folk :). It was a rainy, damp, cold night. Sure not fun for the parents! But it was worth it I guess - I mean, I did get one... Ok, maybe more than that... Yummy pieces of candy out of the deal! While Caleb got a lot of treats today, Jon and I felt like we were tricked. :( We have gotten an email now two days in a row forwarded by our agency from the Philippines. These get my heart racing and hopeful, just to learn nothing new. Yesterday they emailed to say they do have our profile and it is being looked at. Yes, it is good we know they at least have it, but I wanted a yes or no response to go along with it. Today we were told that tomorrow is a national holiday in the Philippines and then Mon-Wed they have a conference so no one will be in the office. This means we have to wait at least another week. Not a treat at all. Just a mean ol' trick. So much for getting this little bo...
A journey of adoption, through the Philippines and U.S. Foster Care.